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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Picture Day


I didn't end up falling asleep until around 4am probably!! Wide awake all night.
We all woke up at 7 and went to the square. We did some pushups and the normal routine and then we had 7 minutes to clean our rooms and the bathrooms.
We also had to have all of our belongings on our bed in size order (ex: suitcase ,knapsack , water bottle) and everything closed and perfect.
My stuff is always neat so it was easy.
We then went to breakfast around 8, had bread and water,no time for the bagel store.

We had  picture day today. We took pictures on the floor, lying down, sitting, standing, on the roof, in the main building, in front the flag by the Kotel with people on our backs, without people on our backs.

Then we had pictures on the Kotel wall and a picture and video of me holding up the Torah and turning around, like the thing you do in shul. (They use my arms for the video ..haha)
We took way too many pictures today.

We had Krav Maga at 2:00 and they took videos of all the things we do in the class. We started with getting hit in the stomach(me in the face).
We did some masav shtaim and around 100 pushups . These pushups are harder because he says.. Up.. Down..Up.. Down..
Its much harder.
We practiced the punches and kicks. Then I showed everyone how to do a side kick again. We practiced that for a while.
Then we did another 18 sprints, then crawls on our hands on the hot concrete. At the end of that my hand had a crazy blister. It hurts but its fine.

I went to the hospital after to check my spleen to see if It was still enlarged. Its fine thank-G-D. Now I can get hit in the stomach again!!

I got back to the old city at 7 and got shwarma for dinner. I went to the room to try and sleep and then everyone tells me we have to meet Tarzan in the square in 30 minutes.
We got there and he gave us an option.
Either we learn Hebrew or go with him, which means we get an abusive but amazing workout.
We started with a masav shtaim Contest. Whoever can stay in the UP pushup position for the longest.
We started .. After 5 minutes my blister started hurting like crazy. I kept going..10 minutes..all in your head.. Blister is kiliing!! 15...and my blister gave out in 20 minutes I finished 3rd place the others did 24 and 25 minutes.

First week I was here I could barley do that for 5 minutes. But its still mainly in your head.

Then we had a contest of who can hang from the bar the longest. I don't know who won that.
We then made a straight line and did a lot of sprints but first 3 squats and then a sprint. Whenever he says go. Even if we are in the middle of situps. Random times. We were all so beat.
It was worth it though we had a lot of stretches in the end and went to Ulpan afterwards.
Sick workout.

I got back to the room and took a shower.
Going to look for an apartment to live in with a few guys and taking my Hebrew and a few other army tests on Sunday.
Kind of nervous, but I'm sure ill do fine.

So since evreyone is talking and I can't sleep I told them this - Ani amarti lahaem.. Shee biglal she koolam medabrim ve ani lo yachol lalechet lishon, machar ani lo yakoom baboker ve koolam mikablim onesh hahaha (since everyone is not letting me sleep I'm not getting up in the morning and everyone is going to get a punishment)

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