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Thursday, November 11, 2010

First day on the shooting range


Woke up at 4am not knowing what kind of day we have ahead of us.
We started off by getting dressed with all of our equipment, including the combat vest. We walked a while to the shooting range.
At first our commanders made us roll, crawl, jump down, get back up and more on hard rocks that cut you and hurt but its fun.
Then whenever they throw a rock (grenade) everyone has to run and dive for cover. So I threw one for fun and everyone dove excerpt for me so I got in trouble (just like HS)  and I had to  stay in masav shtiim (pushup positions) for a while but I enjoy it for some reason.
We did masav shtiim a lot today
We barley had any food for breakfast, lunch and dinner. There wasn't enough food for all the people and for all the working out we are doing our bodies require more protein but they don't really care. Plus I don't eat dairy so if their is protein its usually cheese.

At the range I shot 4 separate times, getting better each time and one night shot that was pretty cool. The whole day we only shot around 20 to 30 bullets each.
The first time shooting in the army wasn't so bad The old long M16s that we are using, have iron sights, a lot of recoil, they are heavy, and they look like they were used in Vietnam.  
We then had a speech about guard duty and what we do during the time, no eating, no phones, no sitting, no talking.
You can only stand and guard for 2 hours at a time. We walked back to the base finally. Now the day gets even worse, wiith my legs already dead…

We ended up having to walk to every checkpoint on the base so we know the spots where that we have to guard, It took over 2 hours on an empty stomach with no water, just when you think its keep walking more, my legs are already dead from the gibbush and running all day.
I just think of getting to the end so I can buy my ice cream that I wanted all day, I was too tried to even talk at this point we have been up for 20 hours in a row.
They gave us an hour break to do our personal things. I got my ice cream finally (its the only food you can get at 12am on base from the machine) . There’s  a list of who is doing guard duty, I'm not up until tomorrow night at 8-10pm I think in one of the closer spots on base!! Its perfect, and when we have guard duty we get over 8 hours of sleep. So I get the full amount tonight. Surprisingly I have no blisters on my feet, I usually would. I guess my feet are getting used to abuse and my shoes are finally fitted right.
22 hour day!!! I'm going to get all the sleep I can. goodnight

1 comment:

  1. sounds to be great experience in Israel. I can't wait more for going to Israel. My friend told me that it is very beautiful place for spending holidays. Certainly, go there :)
