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Wednesday, November 10, 2010



Woke up late today that means we are getting punished so of course we got punished for masav shtaiim, the usual. But it is easy for now.
Then we went to shaharit and since we were on time and had some spare time we had to sprint back and forth. From one place to another
 It’s been very easy for me even though my foot is swollen from my tight boot. We all returned our guns, which took two hours and had to run in and out of formation a many times until they were ready to take the guns back.
Every place we go to we are timed, even if it is down the block. We always have 30 minutes to eat and that is timed as well
We were shown a short film on people that have been killed in Israel, in car accidents and other ways unfortunately.
We then had a 2-hour course on what was good about this week, what was bad, what they can improve and what we need to do,
 We made the commanders laugh a lot they couldn’t hold it in. After the class we were in formation for a while and then we all showered with too many guys in one bathroom!! We have to be up 445 tomorrow. We are leaving to go back home for the weekend. Long week, which was mentally challenging but not physically.

We woke up at 4:15Am we had to be shaved, dressed in our off base uniform (Madim Alef) and have out boots polished and be outside at 5AM.
We lined up and got a few rules for off base like wearing your uniform until you get home and every two months in the army you have a day off to take care of personal things its called Yom Siddurim.
They then told us whoever has the gibbush for tzanchanim (test for paratroopers) has to be by the bus station at 10am Sunday morning and whoever doesn't has off that day and has to be there Monday.

We went home for the weekend.
Some things I like so far, the bathrooms and rooms always have to be cleaned and mopped I have some ocd so it helps me. I barley have any laundry to clean. Everyone has to shower at night.
I just got on the bus with all the other new soldiers. We get on for free from now on!!
I might just take buses for fun now.. I'm on the 2 and a half hour ride to Jerusalem. The bus is full so I'm trying to sleep on the floor with a few other guys using my water bottle as a pillow, which is not so comfortable.

I woke up 2 hours later on the floor. I waited for Coby and Gabe to come to the station to eat since we took different buses. We got back to the apartment and unpacked all of our clothing and new stuff the army gave us. I got a call from the lone soldier center; they got us 2 mattresses and a microwave. They help us out with everything.
We went to go buy food for Saturday lunch , went home and got ready for dinner. We went to the Jerusalem Great Shul. The lone soldier center has meals for chayalim bodedim and there were a lot of people there.
On the way back home we passed by the Gilad Shalit tent.
His family sits there everyday and night; there is a live timer of how long he's been in captivity. People come and visit the tent all the time. They were having dinner as we walked by. We saw Gilads father and he looks so sad and  its very sad to see.

I got home and everyone was lazy and tired. My OCD kicked in I stayed up until around 1am from 11. I organized all the closets cleaned all shelves, cleaned all dishes and pots, and organized them nicely. Made everything in place now the apartment is picture perfect, like nothing is wrong with it. Everything is straight. It looks like an professional advertisement almost. I went to sleep right after well see my other roommate’s reaction in the morning.


I woke up at 12, finally got a good night rest. I made lunch for everyone and I organized the apartment some more. Its great being able to sit on our couch and not worry about anything. We stayed home today since Shabbat was over 530 anyways. I do the dishes, my own laundry and fold it, organize everything in the apartment, clean all the closets and floors. It’s kind of a change for me.
Cobys cousin came and stocked up the house with plates, bowls, glasses, and other things we needed. I'm starting to feel at home in the new apartment. We invited people over tonight to see the apartment. We have to go to sleep. waking up at 7 to start out second week at mikveh alon.

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