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Monday, September 27, 2010

Back to work

We woke up around 7am and went to the Kotel.
After minyan we had breakfast, it was bad with no protein and I need protein.
After breakfast we had Ulpan for 3 hours and then lunch.
Since its Chol Hamoed we get a little break during the day and had some time to get personal things done and since I might still have mono I went to sleep for a few hours.
When I woke up I went to dinner and there was dancing and singing for Succot.
After that we were told  to go to our rooms and to be in bed by 10:25.
I didn't go to sleep. I knew they were going to wake us up and in 20 minutes they did.
They told us we are being punished because the night before someone fell asleep on Shmirah (Guard Duty).
The commanders took us to the fields. We started our "punishment" with one of our Krav Maga trainers, Rami.
He made us do the usual, lots of running,crawling, pushups and staying in Masav Shtaiim (pushup position) and closing our eyes and having our hands on our heads so he can hit us.
Since I might still have mono I cannot get hit in the spleen because it's enlarged when you have mono and if it gets hit it can rupture.
So the first time he kicked me in the leg the second time the cheek and the third time the other commandeer got on his knees behind me and Rami pushed me over.
All of this is unexpected because our eyes are closed. We had to crawl, run and crab walk. Shesh al Shesh (six  times back and forth) for each exercise a few times.
After they put the two heaviest guys on the floor and made us carry them around the grass for a while through the sprinklers (which felt amazing) and around the field.
We finished it and then we did them a few more times. It was like almost 3 hours long  and they told us we will not be done until the sun comes out.
And then asked us if we knew why.  We had to give them reasons why we were punished.
As a group we are getting stronger, smarter and more responsible.

Around 2AM they then told us to get in our beds and go to sleep.
I need to take a shower sometime. It's been two days and I"m pretty sure they are going to wake us up soon.

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